For those of you who know me pretty well, you know about my migraine trials- the pain, the misery, the agony. You know we have tried a lot of different things to help. We have tried various OTC meds & prescription meds, herbal remedies, supplements, chiropractic, acupunture, cutting out various foods, even a few folk remedies here and there. Nothing has been a long-term solution and only a few things have helped very temporarily.
After having these horribly debilating monsters in my life, every month for over 20 years now, I have started to just get plain fed up with them. I was thinking about all the significant things I have missed in our kid's lives, us as a couple, things in our friends lives and the horrible (and awful) thought that one day, I might miss one of our kid's weddings due to one of these things. That was just too much to bear!!
Jeff and I have been praying for a solution for many, many years, and just recently started hearing a lot of talk about hormones and hormone-type therapy. We really felt like now was the time to pursue it, which actually seems kind of crazy as we don't have health insurance and our financial situation is well... enouch said. Trying hard not to think about any of that and learning to trust God all over again (this is a daily process me thinks), we called the doctor and made our appointment. We decided to go with the doctor we had when I was pregnant with Calley.
Once the appointment was made, I cannot tell you how elated we both felt. This was really kind of odd because we had pursued so many options in the past, thinking we were heading down the right track, but really just ran into another wall. But we had never felt this excited to actually maybe find an answer!!
Our appointment was yesterday and basically, the long and short of it is that I will go on birth-control pills continously. The hope & idea is that this will help to keep my hormones at the same level all the time. Short of having a hysterectomy or some other major (and expensive), procedure done, this is the cheapest & easiest place to start. If we need to adjust the levels of hormones that I am taking, our doctor can do that easily.
I'm blogging this because I know so many women who suffer from migraines like me and I just want you to have hope. We still don't know exactly how my body will react or if things make take awhile to get adjusted, but at least we have a starting point. I fully intend to blog again on this topic in 3-6 months and say that things have definitely improved.
I know that God has been answering our prayers all along as He has really been pointing us in this direction for awhile. We just really were hoping that we wouldn't have to resort to a medical option, but this isn't like being on a weird medication that wacks my body out.
Trusting in God is still totally a factor as well, because my body needs to respond in the right way and everyone's prayers are so appreciated and always have been. Thank you for standing with us in this new venture of healing, freedom & hope!!