

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

running appendum...

I wanted to add a note about running especially for those of who never have run before but want to start, ran a long time ago but haven't for years, or recently had a baby and want to get back in shape.

I have fit into all of these categories at some point and since Jeff has coached both Track & Cross-country, he knows a lot about injuries, muscles, joints, etc. He has basically been my own Physical Trainer. Before you start any exercise program and if you have been very sedentary for many years, please see you Dr first to just check on things- you wouldn't want to keel over in the middle of a run.

I am not an expert on this subject but can share from much personal experience. The best way to start is to start slow and also to start for the right reasons. If you are looking for a quick weight-loss plan, running is not the answer for you. You would be better off to just cut out all those extra carbs in your life that you aren't using and will stay on your butt. Running is the most effective long-lasting weight loss plan but you don't see results for a very long time. Also, it's not good to start running if you are overweight. All that extra weight is killer on your knee and ankle joints and can cause serious injury.

After each pregnancy, I still had about 20-25 lbs., I still needed to get rid of, so I would get on an elliptical trainer or just walk, bike ride or swim. These are all low impact and help build up those unused muscles again while gradually beginning to loose weight. It's also a great a way to get out that nice new stroller and take baby for a walk. If the weather is bad, go to the mall! Once I was about 10-15 lbs. away from my pre-pregnancy weight, then I would slowly start running/walking. It's best to run for maybe 15 seconds, walk for 45 seconds and do this on and off until you have gone for about a 1/2 hour. You can slowly increase your running time until you are running for longer periods and walking for shorter. (for example- walk for 30 seconds, run for one minute and so on) See what your body can handle but don't push it. It's not worth it to go fast and then not be able to go at all because of an injury. A friend of mine recently started a similar program called "Couch to 5K". Here is the link:

There is also an app for it on the I-phone.

You can also go to for great training tips and articles that are super helpful.

Eventually, you will get to the place where you will be running almost exclusively and won't even feel the need to walk. The time this will take is really dependant on too many variables to even guesstimate. How often you run each week, how long you exercise for, how overweight you are, etc, will really change the way you feel.

Jeff always says that if you can talk while you are running (have a normal conversation), then you are running at a good speed. I often don't take this advice and go too fast too quickly. Unfortunately, this can lead to injury. I wacked out my knee years ago by running down many hills, too fast and just let my knees get pounded. Not my brightest idea ever. If you have an injury, make sure that it IS an injury and not just aches and pains. Believe me, if you have never ran before, you will have oodles of aches and pains. If I used my pains as an excuse to not run, I would never even get out of bed. The first few days you will feel like you've been hit by a truck and look like it too. Running is not a "pretty" sport. I usually look like a cat that has been drug through the mud but worse. My face is beet red, sweaty clumpy hair clings to my face, I'm sweating EVERYWHERE- even places you didn't want to know a person could sweat and I stink!!

But back to injuries... So with my knee, I knew something was really wrong because it didn't go away, not after stretching, running more or when I stopped running either. Most aches and pains will disappear once you start running and get loosened up. Oftentimes, I will run for awhile and then stop and stretch once I get warmed up. This is the best way to avoid injury while stretching. Once we knew something was really wrong with my knee, I stopped running and decided to bike while Jeff ran. Eventually, my knee muscles and joints grew stronger and I was able to run again pain-free.

Note: If you ever have extreme shooting or sharp pain, you should stop running immediately!

It's also super helpful to have a running partner. Jeff and I used to run together for many years. He is MR. Encouragement himself so he's a great running partner. He will even encourage you while you are throwing up on the side of the road, pooping in your pants or crying because you can't breathe (not that I have ever done any of these- I've just heard lots of stories). And that makes running sound pretty dreadful, but that usually only happens to people who are running like 6 minute miles. I have NEVER done that so unless you are going for a world record, you won't have to worry about it either. If you find you are having a hard time breathing, you are probably going too fast. Your lungs build up with CO2 and you have to slow down or since I don't like to walk, you can also blow the CO2 out. This isn't easy to do as you have to slow your breathing down and when you exhale, you blow out like you are blowing up a balloon. After doing this, the pain usually subsides and breathing becomes easier.

When Jeff couldn't run or it didn't work out for us to run at the same time, I've been blessed to find other women who love to run as much as me. You can encourage each other and help each other get up early in the morning because you know they are waiting for you at a meeting spot.

I will do another snippet about running but more focused on the intermediate runner (once I become one). If you have any comments, ideas of your own for beginners or just tips, etc., please feel free to post below and thanks for reading!! Hope you will be encouraged to start a running program of your own!

This link takes you to the "Beginner Runner" training page at Runner's

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I can relate many stories to this!! Jeff jumped up those dang hills with me and almost made himself barf!! I couldn't run either, but he believed I could, and made me believe it, and in just a couple of months I was running miles at a time no problem!

    And during all of that time, I never knew you were a runner. And, I also wanted to tell you that I know how you can be made whole again. I can tell you from personal experience- my email is
