Yes, selfies- I actually utilized my ever-faithful google and found out some interesting things at a few other random blogs, "urban dictionary" and even "wikipedia". I found out that in August of this year (2013), the term "selfie" made its debut in Oxford Dictionaries Online's quarterly update where it is defined as "a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website." (ie, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) (
I find it interesting, yet not surprising that in our very self-focused culture, a term that centers around "self" has become a new word, a word my generation and many generations before had never even heard of until recently.
What is funny, is that I just can't wrap my head around the whole idea, is that because I'm too old for selfies?? Apparently, I am according to "5 rules for taking #selfies" (, anyone over the very OLD age of 21 is too old! I literally am laughing out loud as I type this because I follow or am friends with or whatever you want to call it with many who are over 21 and definitely break that rule!! I even take a "selfie" occasionally but it's probably not a true selfie. A true selfie is:
1.taken in a poorly lit bathroom showing far too much cleavage or stomach (or both) and also messy bathroom/splattered stain mirror
2. taken by self (thus... SELFIE)
3. subject is usually making "duck face/kissy lips/pouty lips" or looking depressed or unusually happy with eyebrows raised (like, see me? aren't I SO cute!!)
4. true selfie takers have to upload at least one selfie a day, usually more, much more, sometimes several in an hour
5. a dedicated selfier (new term I made up) will take a selfie after getting anything new- new shoes, new skirt, new jacket, new hairdo, new ANYTHINGGGGGG, and the even more truly devoted don't even have to have a reason to take a selfie, they just do because, well, BECAUSE!
6. selfies are accompanied by hashtags such as, #selfie, #selfiesunday, etc...
Actually, my rant here does have a point. Why is this up and coming generation SO obsessed with themSELVES and what does it matter to me? Well, for one, we have 4 kids, 3 of them being girls and the tendency for girls to take selfies over boys is at least 9:1, I think, but that's just my opinion. There are those random exceptions to the rule and we probably all know who that is based on who we personally follow. But I would have to say that girls are by far the biggest selfier's out there (notice my new word). I will say I have seen some very creative selfies out there and I applaud the attempt to do something that everyone else is doing in a very creative way. Our eldest daughter is a good example of this, she does selfies but in a unique way and that's probably b/c she has heard me rant and rave (me rant and rave?? YES) about how obnoxious selfies are.
Those though, who I see put up multiple selfies a day (or an hour), I am concerned for. I'm no expert but I think it speaks (more like shouts) of a tremendous lack of self-confidence, self-respect and a doubt of being loved. Why would someone put themselves out there for all the world to see (and all the world can see, believe me) and many times more than they should see and then wait and see how many likes/comments they get? And I don't think they just do it for the likes, I think part of it is just to say "look at me, notice me, see me, I'm here", basically trying to get attention in some way. Or maybe they are just really concerned that everyone has completely forgotten what they looked like so they need to remind us 20 times a day?? I know I will probably make a lot of people mad at me, but I'm really not too worried about it. We have 2 girls who before long will be entering the world of "pre-teen" and they notice these things. Right now, it's completely innocent but for the current generation it's very much a "thing". They love to videotape themselves being silly or making little movies or just taking silly pictures with the I-pad. But it won't be long before they will want to start taking selfies of their own and are we as their parents really excited about that?
Well, as you can probably tell, not really. I know this is really long and I most likely lost you a long time ago, but if you are reading this and are a pretty obsessed selfie, maybe take a sec to reflect upon why you feel the need to take so many pictures of yourself, is it a cry for attention? Maybe you feel better about yourself and your appearance and honestly, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. When I actually do have time to do my hair and makeup properly and get all dressed up cute, sometimes I do want to take a pic, but that's b/c it's really rare that I can do all that, but I get the, "I feel pretty and want to remember this moment", as a woman who was once a teenager, I get that. But what I don't get is the constant stream in my feed of you, you, you, your face. I'm not saying your not beautiful if I don't "like" your picture, I am saying that I am sick of constantly seeing it, in the same way, but with maybe a different outfit, possibly a new background and even a more remote possibility, a new do, but day after day after day, seriously?? I will stop following you, I might even block you on Facebook. I don't even twitter b/c 2 social networks is enough for me to keep up with so thank goodness I won't see your pouty duck lips on there. Now if you upload a selfie tomorrow, that doesn't necessarily mean that I will stop following you, but if you keep it up, well... it's only a matter of time.
This is nothing personal, I love WHO you are not for your face. I'm pretty sure I know what you look like, if I don't, I will ask you to text me a pic so I won't forget. I do love it when you take pics of things you love, your interests, sports your involved in, dance, when you are crafty, your quiet times with God, playing in the snow, dancing in the rain, (NOT doing the Brittany Panda- that's SO old), where you work, you WITH your friends, etc... Some of you have some pretty amazing creative ideas inside of you, I think that even there is potential you to maybe be a photographer someday, or a fashion designer, or maybe an actress?? I love it when I see THOSE things come out in the pics you take, because I know it's in there underneath all those selfies, there is a YOU that is unique and different and not like everyone else around you. Take a moment to find who that YOU is and start by trying NOT to take a selfie, but maybe of something you enjoy doing, someone you love being around, a book your reading, or maybe a pretty sunset, your baby sister, your fluffy cat, whatever it is that makes you YOU besides a pic of you. Does that make sense? I hope it does to someone out there, I love these lyrics by
Bethany Dillon-
I want to be beautiful
"I was so unique, now I feel skin deep
Count on the make-up to cover it, it all
Crying myself to sleep 'cause I cannot keep their attention
I thought I could be strong but it's killing me
Does someone hear my cry? I'm dying for new life
I want to be beautiful, make You stand in awe
Look inside my heart and be amazed
I want to hear You say, who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of love and beautiful
Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me
Fighting to make the mirror happy
Trying to find whatever is missing
Won't you help me back to glory
I want to be beautiful, make You stand in awe
Look inside my heart and be amazed
I want to hear You say, who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of love
You make me beautiful, You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart and I am amazed
I love to hear You say who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love and beautiful"
If you want to listen to it, here is the link:
God says who you are is quite enough, He created you and the beauty that's within you speaks volumes more than the beauty that's on the outside. Some of the most beautiful people I have known are not what the world would deem as "pretty" or "cute", but that isn't something that I even notice or think about when I am with them. I only think about how incredible they are and the amazing heart they have and how much I wish I was like them and that makes them beautiful to me. I could write another blog on that alone, but my next one is most likely going to be on #bestie, stay tuned....
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30